"Welcome to my Inner Expressions of My Psyche "

This Is My first time to create a blog ,so I may need a little guidance on how some of these applications work. I created this to express my passion for Music ,Art, and Dance. In return I wish to meet others just like me that I can share some of my experiences and hope to make some lifelong friends. Through the use of this blog I will upload video's expressing how I sense the world around me and the many ways I express myself through the arts. I decided to post my videos of me and my hula hoops, this is what I do for a great aerobic workout which is fun. I love to draw ,Dance ,and spend time in nature.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Entheogen : Awakening The Divine Within

Entheogen : Awakening The Divine Within
Entheogen literally translates creating or generating god within, and this ancient knowledge of sacred plant teachers has the potential to transform the world if we can connect with the divinity within and all around. 'Entheogen Awakening the Divine Within' is a feature length documentary which invites the viewer to rediscover an enchanted cosmos in the modern world by awakening to the divine within through the ritualistic use of Entheogens or Psychedelics.

Stan Grof, Marilyn Schlitz, Ralph Metzner, Alex Grey, Terence McKenna, John Markoff, Daniel Pinchbeck, and Kat Harrison among others, postulate how the disenchantment of the modern world may be remedied by summoning the courage to take the next leap in the evolution of planetary consciousness.

The film examines the re-emergence of archaic techniques of ecstasy in the modern world by weaving a synthesis of ecological and evolutionary awareness,electronic dance culture, and the current pharmacological re-evaluation of entheogenic compounds.
Within a narrative framework that imagines consciousness itself to be evolving, Entheogen documents the emergence of techno-shamanism in the post-modern world that frames the following questions: How can a renewal of ancient initiatory rites of passage alleviate our ecological crisis? What do trance dancing and festivals celebrating unbridled artistic expression speak to in our collective psyche?

How do we re-invent ourselves in a disenchanted world from which God has long ago withdrawn? Entheogen invites the viewer to consider that the answers to these questions lie within the consciousness of each and every human being, and are accessible if only we give ourselves permission to awaken to the divine within.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Psychedelic Dragon

This is my psychedelic dragon I free handed and then digitally colored. The software I used was a bit tricky but I managed. lol

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Photons Or Chi?

I am writing this from my personal journal to get this information out to people to see if maybe they have seen some of the things I have seen this is actually a continuation from my previous post. I have like 30 pages and I am also a online school student with school work too ,so typing all that's in my journal its not happening overnight. I am  going to be explaining these objects of light that I see all the time; I am trying to figure out WTF they are. I want to say what I see are photons, but my boyfriend argues with me and says I can't see them that they are too small and move very fast well I think I do see them with certain mediums, such as my lasers, smoke, and just by defocusing my eyes I see a different world.These objects I am going to draw and then post it along with this post so that anyone reading can get a idea to what I am seeing. If I stare at one of these objects they will actually allow me stare at them for a good amount of time. They like to zoom all around my crib and they like zigzag. I wonder how this is possible how am I able to see these things and other people seem to not be capable of seeing what I do at times it frustrates me. I even show them how to defocus their eyes to where they can capture this intelligent holographic form of light. I say it is intelligent because I have had incidences where they like connect to my fingers.  I want to call them photons because that is what is being channeled to me through my higher self. They are freaking light particles that I so happen to see. Anyways I can do this thing with my eyes in which I can zoom in and capture observe then zoom out. The funny thing is that they will actually allow me to observe them then they like blow up in my face, and sometimes they are in a hurry and signal to me not now. they come in various colors mainly green or white  sometimes depend on the medium I use to capture them. It is usually the least expected moment when I do see them ,so that being said I am not really looking for them they just like appear. I also see waves of color shoot out of my speakers and then a web-like grid. Sometimes the color is green,pink,purple, maybe according to the frequencies of the music I listen to. I love to put on some bizarre psytrance or electro and just watch my whole home fill up with vibrating color waves. Anywhoo I have other work to do I will continue this later until then feedback is much appreciated :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Trying to make sense of everything

I am writing this hoping that some of the things I am experiencing someone else is having similar experiences. Well lets just say my dreams have become increasingly lucid and time seems to be going so much faster. Everything seems like a dream inside of a dream looking in. In my dreams I even appear wearing what I went to sleep in! Emotions run very deep ;disciplining myself to become aware of how my emotional status effects a circumstance.My whole life here I have been haunted by Rage, Depression , restlessness and Chronic Fatigue. Just recently this fatigue has gotten to the point where I find it very difficult to be a functional person in the working world. It comes in waves hitting me so hard that I like leave my body. Sensations I never thought were possible have struck me hard not dissipating. Sensations of intense tingling almost electrical surges run throughout my body.My feet feel like cords being pulled as if I were a puppet being controlled remotely by this outer force.What could this be and how do I make it stop? This sensation is at the bottom of my feet and my palms a push pull sensation of electricity. This sensation is a bit of a pain in the ass never seems to rest "its amplifying!"I feel so different from other beings on this planet leaving me in a deep emotional state.Intense hallucinations ,seeing sound, seeing thoughts ,seeing Qi, projecting chi, OBEs, NDEs, and other worldly experiences have happened to me  for about ten years. I have always felt alienated from others and this being said has left me feeling very alone and hard to relate to other people in there 20s.  I wonder if my dreams are alternate realities and if I can just hit a remote control and chose which one of these dreams I want to manifest. The other day I was sitting on an island ;I looked up to the sky a big cloud came zooming in then down so i was like what might this be and to my surprise a very define figure appeared in this cloud it was I want to say human like and was just observing me with it's hand on it's chin as if it were in a very deep thought while observing me. I was like wtf?so I kept watching then I felt as if I was remote viewing and at the same time being remote viewed by multiple beings. How could this be and what do I learn from this?Was I creating what was appearing in the sky? This was not my first time seeing people,places,beings,and other creatures in the sky. All I have to do is go outside and holy shit!Everything is vibrating and breathing the tress the flowers even the rocks emit all kinds of colors and vibrations. When I walk barefooted I feel like all my energy centers in my feet like connect to this intelligent energy field. The sensations feel like I am having acupuncture throughout my whole body ,but more prominent in my feet as if the energy is like being pulled out and other energy is moving in. Does everyone in life experience these sensations when they reach a certain age? i know that my mom feels the magnetism from the moon. If anyone has had similar experiences are could tell me what they think might be going on that would be awesome feedback. :)